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The International Jugger Blog :: Free Graphics Resources

Jugger Position Symbols Need inspiration for your Jugger poster? Looking for some stunning graphics to give your Jugger flyers that little extra? 

Then you have come to the right place! We will build a free Jugger graphics resource on this page. You are most welcome to use them for your Jugger digital and print stuff (just noncommercial). Apply the CC 4.0 nc-by-sa license if no other is mentioned. Nb download links may point to the Dropbox service.

Example to the right: Australian referee jersey with Uhu's position symbols on the arm 

If you are a Jugger art creator, your contribution would be most welcome! Please [contact the administrator] to send your files/links, or post them to Uv Järnfalk on facebook. Files may be JPG, png, svg, eps and such, but may also be also templates like .ai  and such (don't forget to do a package if linking ai:s). All linked resources have to be published under the Creative Commons license (whichever you wish).

Jugger CardsJugger Training Cards

Jugger training cards for your team training (by Uhu)

[⇩ Download]

Jugger Pitches

Jugger Pitch

Jugger pitch with and without grass, for coaching, manuals etc. (by Uhu)

[⇩ Download]

3D Jugger Pompfenmesser Spars Measuring Tools3D Jugger Pompfenmesser Spars Measuring Tools (en/de)

3D Jugger Pompfenmesser Spars Measuring Tools (de/en) 

[⇩ Download]

TuGeNy Jugger Tournament Plan ExamplesTuGeNy German Tournament Plan Files Collection, 8-71 Teams

Pompfenbau-Maße / Spars measurements sheet (de/en) (by Uhu)

[⇩ Download]

Jugger-VisitenkartenJugger Spars measurements sheet / Pomfpenmaße (en/de)

Pompfenbau-Maße / Spars measurements sheet (de/en) (by Uhu)

[⇩ Download]

Jugger-VisitenkartenJugger business cards

Fertige Jugger-Visitenkarten (deutsch) für den Druck (by Uhu)

[⇩ Download]

Jugger Position Symbols

Player Role Symbols as player markers (by Uhu)

[⇩ Download]


Discord Jugger Emojis

Discord Jugger Emojis

Uhu's Set: Positions, spars and roles patches, trainer, mercenary, q-tip etc.

[⇩ Download


3D printing models for trophies (dog skull etc.), spar checks ...

[⇒ Resources: Jugger forum]


Jugger Merit Roundels

Jugger Player Merit Roundel 

See also Achievement Graphics page for details. Populate with your achievements, like when you started playing, referee or team chief etc, with your team logo.

[⇒ Read more] (by Uhu).

[⇩ Download]

Jugger Player Role Patches

Jugger Player Role / Position Symbols

Individual patches for jerseys to show favourite spar, BBQ-master, coach, referee, Juggermasters etc. [⇒ Read more about the patches]

[⇩ Download ]


Posted by Uhu | on