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Jugger zero: Hall of Fame of the First Ones

Merits for active players

To motivate people to get involved into the organizational aspects of Jugger, a merit roundel may be of help to show their personal achievements. ⇒ The player position symbols/icon set with eps/png downloads can be found here.

[ Read more about their meaning and downloadable files ]

Jugger merit roundels


Hall of Fame: The First Ones

Jugger often starts thanks to the attachment and sweat of one or a few persons who, against all odds, hold to the thought that there must be Jugger in their country (and, most important, close to them). When Jugger starts rolling in their country, they have rightfully earned a shining title for their achievement: That of the "Jugger zero", or "Juggermaster zero". The name is inspired by their wish that Jugger will spread through the country like a positive kind of epidemic. And first sources of those are also called the "Number Zero".

To honour those first ones, here comes the list of Jugger zero's around the world. It is, of course, incomplete and needs your help to be continued—contact us if you know one more, or detect an error or inaccurate report!
Also, this "Hall of Fame" will be completed with photos and a more appealing layout, of course.

Hall of Fame: Jugger zero

Alpha Jugger David Webb Peoples 1989

David Webb peoples, Father of Jugger

~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~ ~~~~::~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
HH/HD/KA Deutschland 1993 Juggermaster zero Germany
Lester Deutschland 1993? Lester, Juggermaster zero Germany
Gavin † Australia 2000 Gavin, Juggermaster zero Australia
Mark Hill Eire 2006 Mark Hill, Juggermaster zero Ireland
Santi España 2007 Santi, Jugger zero Spain
Errol Solano Costa Rica 2008 Jugger zero Costa Rica
Wess Apshaga-Meaux USA 2010 ~~~~
Pedro Colombia 2011 ~~~~

Aleksei Smyshliaev

Latvija ? Jugger zero Latvia
Roberts Sīlis Latvija ? Jugger zero Latvia
Ruben the Uhu Sverige 2012 Ruben the Uhu Uvelius, Juggermaster zero Sweden
Markus Müller Österreich 2012 Jugger zero Austria
Lisa & David Falck Nederland 2012 Jugger zero Nederland
Marija Ger Lietuva 2016
Jugger zero Lithuania
Povilas Zemkajus Lietuva 2016 Jugger zero Lithuania
Regan Morgan New Zealand 2015? ~~~~
Arkady "Shaman" Shamanovsky Russia 2016 Shamanovsky, Jugger zero Russia
Alex Schweiz 2018 Alex, Juggermaster zero Switzerland
Tan Quan 中华人民共和国 (China) 2018? Shamanovsky, Jugger zero Russia


Photo credits: David Webb Peoples: himself; Lester: Susanne Serwe; Ruben, Mark Hill: Mark Hill Photography; Latvia, Lithuania:  Ruben; Arkady: himself; Tan Quan: himself.


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