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Some New Jugger Training Tutorials

For those who seek inspiration and advice for their Jugger trainings, there are some new videos out on YouTube.

What is Jugger [ver 1.0]

After 12 years, and 30 years after the release of the movie "Blood of Heroes", the original What is Jugger introduction video (ver. 0.85a) has been completely redone and now went live as What is Jugger 1.0, on YouTube

A Complete Training

In  Jugger Coach: Uhus Jugger Tutorials XI, a complete training session is presented as a quick walkthrough, featuring techniques from warm-up, individual skill training up to team training and team building.

 A Comprehensive Guide to the Basics 

Also, a new tutorial series has surfaced recently: "Der Königsweg" by Peter's Pawns features comprehensive and pointed, well-made focus tutorials on certain aspects, starting with the base stance for differnt spars types. Language is German, but it's absolutely worth to check it out! 

Addendum: Commented Finals at Deutsche Meisterschaft 2019 by Jugger Masterclass

Okay, this is not a training tutorial by itself, but it is brilliantly done: A professional sports channel-looking recording, including SloMos and live comments, of the DM 2019 Finals  in Berlin. Ansolutely worth watching and a good way to learn by the techniques of these two top-level Jugger teams! 

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