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NEW FROM THE VIKINGS!: Tournament 22th May 2010!

2010 is the year Skullfight is to be revived. The date will be May the 22th at 11 pm in Ribe, a small town in Southern Jutland. Hopefully there will be teams from all over Denmark fighting for the Skullfight-Trophy. Besides Danish teams we have a German skullfightteam joining the games.

I you are interested in participating, we kindly ask you to read and understand the terms and rules, furthermore it is of most importance that you study our guides for weapons and armor. There should be an English translation of the rules on the site. After you have read the rules, you are to send an email to register your participation, the emailadress is:

Please be aware that the Danish Skullfight is different from the game played in most internatonal leagues - therefor study the rules.

In the register email we would like to know your names, ages, e-maildresses and who is team-contact, plus his/hers phonenumber. If you have any member in the team at 16-17 of age, they have to print and fill the parental permission (forældretilladelse) and send it by mail to: Rune Kulmbak, Trojelsvej 39, 6760 Ribe, Denmark, before May the 15th.

We have to specify that Ripen LiveRollespil, the organization for the event, does not have insurance, and that Ripen LiveRollespil will not cover any material or injury incurred during the game.

On the day, we will be in the center of Ribe. There will be bottles of water to the participating teams, and around the location there are a lot of restaurants and public toilets. The event is part of Ribe’s 1300 year anniversary, and the towns annual TulipFestival, therefore we hope that a lot of people will come from the streets and see the games.


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