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Jugger in Spain

Greetings from Spain, players and Jugger fans over the world!

It’s been a while since our last post with news about the development of Jugger in our country. This wonderful sport has been spread faster than expected, and now there are great teams and brand-new tournaments in a few cities and towns, but the most activity it’s focused on Valencia, Zaragoza and the capital, Madrid.

Let’s write a bit about the different competitions that are running nowadays.

The main tournaments are the National ones. There are three of them over the year, and each one is independent from the others. They’re called Winter Tournament (Zaragoza), Summer Tournament (Valencia) and “Tuna” Tournament (Madrid). The name of the “tuna” one comes from a pun in Spanish, as “tuna” is said “atun” in our language, a word with a similar spelling as the word “autumn”.

The champions in the last editions of the national tournaments were Old Ducks in Zaragoza (with finalists Plan B and Black Dragons), and Black Dragons in Valencia (with finalist Spuggers).

The first “Atun” Tournament will be held on October 23th in the Juan Carlos I Park, starting at 10am. This event seems to be the first ever to join together teams representing all Spain, including some of the most veterans. Since today, eight teams have confirmed their assistance. If you’re interested in it, check the Jugger Madrid forum

In Valencia exists another kind of regional competition: the JuggerSlam is a set of three tournaments wit a playoff system that run from September to March. The scores are accumulative, so the team with most points at the end of the season is the ultimate champion. The first competition, Senpai Tournament, was played on September 25th, and the results left Valencia Juggernauts as the champion (7 points), with finalists Black Dragons (6 points) and Skatmen (4 points). You can check the matches, player’s hit ratios and more information in the JuggerSlam website

Also, there are two Leagues running at this time in Zaragoza and Valencia. The one located in Valencia is the biggest, as 18 teams compete for the Best Team title in the city. Valencia League started on October 3rd, and will last until early June with games each Sunday in the Turia River’s fields. Follow the league’s progress entering in its website, which is updated weekly with news, interviews and photographs (

As you can see, Spain has welcomed Jugger with expectation and hard work. Each city or tournament still has a few “home rules”, but we’re working together to unite Jugger definitely. Our players are improving their skills, so don’t surprise yourselves if you find any of us in an international tournament sooner rather than later, rising to the top.

Since that day, salutes from the Spain Jugger!

Text by Pedro Kat


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