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The International Jugger Blog: Reject Fascism

foreword: I hope this post is OK for all current editors of The International Jugger Blog. I felt it necessary because of some discussions, see below.
jugger against Fascism (patch image)
Fascism is not just another political point of view.
Fascism is not a joke.
Fascism is not history.
But well learn of fascist history.

Fascism, and its associated ideologies like Nazi/Neonazi ideologies, negates basic human rights. It is responsible for the death of millions of millions of people, in Germany alone for over 6.000.000 (!) Jews being murdered just for their belief, or just for being what they were; in addition to so many others murdered for their belief, sexual orientation or political engagement. Look it up in the history books.

There is no way we can tolerate such an ideology. This is not a matter of left-wing bearings or similar. This is a duty to anyone respecting human rights.

Politics should not be intermixed with sport. But especially in extremist tendencies, an intermixing is inevitable. So "Politics has nothing to do with sports" does not solve, merely ignore the problem in this case. And ignoring all too quickly equals accepting.

The International Jugger Blog hereby states that it, as well as anyone posting entries on it (at least after 11-24-2011), declares that he or she stands for tolerance, democratic tenets and human rights.
The founder and chief editor of the Blog, Uhu, in November 2011

Examples for images for web pages (click to enlarge), CC nc-sa 3.0 (for more logos etc., see the Jugger Wiki):

jugger against Fascism (patch image)

You will find this post as a permanent page at .
Reason for this declaration is a discussion on a Spanish Jugger team, ⇒found here at the Jugger forum.


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